Me last June
Lets not forget November
Lets not forget November
May 2009
July 2009
July 2009
Here are the fat facts for July 2009. Since my journey began in January 2009 and as of yesterday's date - 7/14/2009 I have lost 71 lbs! Despite no fewer then 4 plateaus i have still lost 9 inches around my belly button, 7 1/2 around my bust, 10 inches in my hips, 8 inches on the muffin top (not the same measurement as the belly button) I keep a bunch of random measurements totalling 43inches over all!!! I am down at least 3 pants sizes, could be 4 I wouldn't buy new clothes at my heaviest. I am still flabby and very cheesey - I can't seem to tone my utters up or my arm flab or the cheese on my thighs. I spoke w/ a plastic surgeon he said that I would be a good candidate for surgery after I have lost 100lbs for at least 1 year. (for every 100lbs you lose you have aprox 10lbs excess skin) It will be costly but I think worth it - not too far away from that 100 lb mark, I may get there by September after all. I don't want to stop at 100lbs though just my first goal. To be at the low end of what Mr. BMI says is "normal" I would need to get down to 107lbs, that's less then what Holly weighed when she was anorexic! I said I am going to get there just to say I was there since Jr. High. If my body won't let me I will get down as low as my body will let me go. And go from there.