Saturday, December 13, 2008

I admit it!!

I am guilty of sometimes pretending that I don't speak English to avoid talking to people!

I guess the dark hair and eyes and everyone always asking me if I am mexican or something more exotic then just plain white has started to pay off.

Example of how this plays out:
Scenario #1: The other day, ok a month or so ago, I was at Walmart and the checker had asked me to hang the "closed" sign on the back of my cart and then tell anyone who lines up behind me that she is closed. I didn't want to do that - - that makes me feel uncomfortable, so I didn't answer her, she handed me the sign and repeated herself --so I got the "I am not sure what you are saying look" on my face and shrugged my shoulders. I hung the sign up on my cart but didn't tell anyone who came behind me to go away - she can tell them if they can't read my sign.

Scenario #2: The parking lot solicitors that chase you down and want to sell you a magazine subscription or something. I just pretend I don't hear them and when that doesn't work I again stare at them blankly and then they repeat and I shrug my shoulders and shake my head and turn around and when I have to I will say, "No Habla" I only bust out the "No Habla" when I am pretty sure the other party doesn't speak Spanish!

Also, I can only do this when I am not with my whitey Husband and Kids!


Rachel said...

Oh my gosh Erica, you CRACK ME UP! lol. It reminds me of the shenanigans (sp?) we used to pull back in the day. It still baffles me, now that I'm an adult myself, how you could put up with us little punks all the time, but those years had a lot more laughter because of you! Love ya!

Erica said...

you were awesome! You were always game for me putting spray tan on only one of your legs at kmart just to see if it works! Ha ha Remember that?

Kascia and Travis Lybbert said...

Oh my heck Erica! You are HILARIOUS! You and Holly are probably the funniest people and have the most hilarious blogs. It's awesome. I wish I could get away with that. But never in my life! LUCKY!!

Me said...

I can't believe you let your secret out! I've known this about you, but it still cracks me up. You can pull it off though because of your exotic look. Maybe if I tanned once or twice I could, too.

Roxi and Ephraim's Family said...

FUNNNY! I needed a good laugh! Thanks Erica!