Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jan. 20, 2009

I am finally getting to watch the Inauguration. ( I had class all day)

I am so proud right now. I am proud that I am a citizen of this country. I am proud that I got to witness history. I loved Obama's speech. It almost made me want to change my vote. I feel hopeful. I hope that he is able to live up to what he says.
I loved the look on his wife's face while he was being sworn in, she was so proud and it has rubbed off on me. I want to believe him - I want to believe in him.

Anyway regardless of how the next 4 years go - I am proud to have been witness to this day.

1 comment:

Roxi and Ephraim's Family said...

I hope something good comes out of it too. He speaks well and seems convincing. I hope you are doing well Erica!