Saturday, January 17, 2009

trying to live without pretense!

About 3 weeks ago Holly told me about a book she was reading.
Dave Ramsey, "Total Money Makeover". She told me a bit of Dave Ramsey's story and I wanted to know more. We bought the book (using an Xmas gift card)

I read the book in a day. I stayed up until 3am planning out our financial future applying the simplest principals, that I admittedly have known about and have talked about doing, before. If we stick with this plan we could be debt free including our house and have a ton socked away for retirement in about 21 years. Out of debt in less than 1 and our house in about 15, student loans paid off too!

The concepts aren't rocket science. They are simple. The life style changes are what is hard. When you are so used to getting whatever you want and when you want it you never have to save! Well that is a thing of the passed.

Dave Ramsey's first step is to get $1,000.00 saved. He gives all kinds of ways to get that done.
I began taking a look around at all of our EXCESS!! 3 laptops and 1 computer, 3 cars, nordic track elliptical...etc etc etc. Well, they are all paid for, I say to myself. We DESERVE them, I also say. Then I have the memory of a friend of mine and a quote in the book that keep ringing in my head.
My friend Lindsey (my marathon runner friend), she had a great job, she made great money, she bought herself her dream car, a Lexus. Her husband lost his job, she was pregnant and not going back to work, she sold Lexus and bought a Jetta (or other VW). Still a respectable car. Was it easy? Hell no, she didn't know how to drive a stick for one and for 2 she had to give up her brand new car. I will always admire that. Then the quote from the book, " You can't afford to be pretentious!"

So with that resonating in my head, " We can't afford to be pretentious, we can't afford to put on airs". Don and I talked about selling a car. We chose the Kia, it's the older car and it has had a good run. I listed it on Craigslist Tuesday night. We had a guy call that night to come by Thursday and check it out. He paid cash for it Thursday morning he didn't even try to haggle the price! Now we have our savings and are well on our way to paying off the credit card!

I listed the Nordic Track Elliptical coat rack on Craigslist this afternoon after being unable to sell it at the yard sale and I have someone coming by tomorrow to check it out.

It has been hard to let go of our "extra" car and these other things. (I have listed a ton of stuff on craigslist). I know it's just a Kia yadda yadda yadda however the more crap that you have that you don't need is a sign of success these days. And it's hard to redefine yourself.

We want to live like no one else now, so we can live like no one else later! (another Ramsey quote)

Any way I am excited about our progress that we have made to date and I am excited about our future.

I recommend that everyone read the book, the first few chapters are snoozers - but it does get exciting and motivating!


Greta said...

How inspiring!! I am so proud of you! We have become way too much of a "need it now" society. It is nice to save for things and actually pay for them with cash, no debt.

Roxi and Ephraim's Family said...

How did I miss all of your posts? I swear that I check your blog all of the time, because I don't know how to do the update thing on my blog either! It looks like you have been crazy busy! I want to get that book too! I need motivation to save money. Sometimes I wonder, "what's the use of money if you don't spend it?" Not a good attitude. Also we will try to make it to Don's graduation if Ephraim is off that week. I am not sure yet. I will know in a couple more months. Cute photos!